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Oh, isn't it gorgeous! I love mine, and so much more than I thought I was going to. It's such a simple colour scheme and pattern - I had no idea it would be so compelling. I took mine to the LQS for their Saturday show and tell, and it got lots of attention. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's finished product and the different backings and variations. I think I am the first to have the entire project quilted and completed, although Thelma had her top completed first.

Good for you to get the top done!!! My top is done, but it won't be finished by the deadline as I will be handquilting it and it will be a while ......

I'm thinking of doing this again with different colours. I love this pattern!

I love how it turned out.

Love your quilt. Thanks for doing the challenge or I never would have looked at that quilt in the book.

Two weeks?? TWO WEEKS?!? I don't remember anything about a deadline! Aww Jeez... I guess I'd better get cracking. Yours is GORGEOUS by the way...

Wow!! It looks amazing.

I have been sewing all day and I am almost done! Sort of. I need to get the last little pieced borders sewn on and I have decided to add 2 borders but that's it so I think I will make the original challenge date with the original quilt. I may not have my 2 borders on by then but I'm considering myself done! I love my quilt too!

I am a follower of your blog and have wanted to get the book that you are using for the red and white snowball challenge.
I finally got the book yesterday.. hope to start it soon.. won't be a able to meet the 2 week deadline, but hope to have it done by xmas 2010.
The book has lots of other good ones in it, too.

Congratulations on the finish! It is lovely!!!

Well...Iam done also...Er,,,see my blog, thats all I'm a gonna say...And I'm a stickin to it!

Congrats....it looks gorgeous. I've seen so many bloggers making this quilt. Where do I find the pattern?

I like your resolution to finish 2 UFOs before starting a new project...and your assertion that "most of them will be like new projects once I pull them out, since it's been so long since I've seen them" made me laugh out loud!

Well, I will have to keep sewing my blocks. Loved the swap, love the blocks. Yours is gorgeous, oh and Pearl Smooter would love your multi0taksing too.

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