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Alaska is a beautiful state but I wouldn't want to live there...oh wait. Dang.

I know I shouldn't be happy about this, but I am because Utah LOVES you! Plus, since you wintered down here the weather was very much more Cali-esque...come back!

Wow, you know, I was born and raised in Utah, having lived only a couple of other places while my hubby was in the Marine Corps (1967-1971). We did a stint in San Clemente, California...LOVED it! Then moved to Hawaii for 14 months...HATED IT! We were, literally poor while we lived there. Trying to live there, with a new baby, even in 1970, on just $250 a month, the rent took the first $150 for a tiny house with large holes in the floor of the kitchen and bathroom, and holes in the walls of all rooms that had to have plastic taped over them each morning until the daily rain had passed. Then of course, co-habitating with lizards and gigantic cockroaches was not my idea of a good time. (Bug spray was at the top of our grocery list every shopping day too. By the time we paid rent, bought groceries, baby food, formula and lots of canned soup, canned fruit and boxes of mac and cheese, the money was gone. Didn't even have the $2.00 entrance fee for me to see Pearl Harbor. Hubby got in free but spouses did not, so we had to pass on that. If it hadn't been for our friends, also in the military, I don't know what we would have done. They showed up on the front porch every single weekend and always had bags of groceries in their arms. They claimed it was snacks and drinks for them to have while they crashed on our floor every weekend. But it was odd that there was always a can or two of baby formula and a few bottles of baby food in the bottom of each bag, LOL. That was our last duty station before we came home for good. However...my hubby went to Alaska to work for 2 years, I stayed behind because we were raising out two oldest grandsons and I never did get up there cause I don't fly, EVER. But hubby fell in love with Alaska and said that if I had not had health issues exacerbated by cold temperatures, he would have sold everything and moved up there. He still says it is the most beautiful place on earth, he would go back in a heart beat if I could go with him. So Allyson, which saying do you think rings true...Home is where you hang your hat, or, as your post is titled, Home Is Where the Heart Is? Come back to Utah soon, and bring more good weather with you. Big Hugs...

Glad to hear that you got home safely. I'm sure that it feels good to be back in your own space - now you just have to wait for your heart to catch up with you. Or maybe it's time to contemplate a move???

Hey, anytime you want to come back and claim your heart, we're waiting! You took a little of ours with you as you always make things so much sunnier when you're around. Miss you!!!

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