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Incredible and amazing.

Hopefully the bear photos were taken with a long range telephoto lens...grin...love your photos

How incredibly beautiful!Thanks for sharing those photos with us. I especially love that last photo with the majestic mountains and the bear walking down the road looking like he has somewhere he has to be!

stunning pictures- we fell in love with Alaska and that was without the wonder of the bears. Lucky you- adore it

I check your blog every day because I so enjoy your writing and your photos. Thanks for sharing once again. I hope your weather is better than ours!

love and hugs...jane

I am awaiting part 3! I know it will be interesting and informative.

Haven't heard much from Keith...how is he doing?

love and hugs...jane

Just beautiful! I lived in Maine for awhile and never saw a bear or a moose. I was disappointed about that. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of your beautiful state. Looks to me like that bear is avoiding customs. My boys were amazed to see the picture of Parker in your last post.

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